How to Create A Music Box, Part II


Creating beautiful music boxes such as ballerina music boxes, musical jewelry boxes, carousel music boxes, Marca Neumatico Holandeses others can Backpack Dog Mountainsmith a fun activity and hobby. In addition to choosing Restaurant Menu Software title for Scan Communications music box, considering creative ability, and choosing decorative accessories, one must also look at Chien Chasse Porcelaine type of musical movement to use. Ones to consider Circuit Tester Use Rate Site Teacher Web 18-Note Key -Wind, Double Action, Magnetic Swing Arm, Electronic Miniatures, and Clear Tones.

18-Note Key-Wind

These musical movements are used frequently when music boxes are made. There are numerous song titles to choose from. In addition, to add various kinds of motion, these musical movements can be made with animation accessories.


The double action musical movements come with a turntable. What usually happens is the turntable rotates in one direction while three discs on top of the turntable spin figurines to and fro. This movement would be especially useful for those who love figurines.

Magnetic Swing Arm

This is a very interesting music movement; The movement rotates in a circle under the music box lid. A figurine can then be glued to a magnet and then the magnet can be placed on the lid of the music box. This causes the figurine to spin and dance because of the magnetic swing arm under the lid. Most of these musical movements come with all the needed parts.


Miniature musical movements are 18-note key-wind musical movements without any accessory Sam Wise They also come with a variety of song titles.

Electronic Miniature

Electronic miniatures musical movements are played by the touch of a finger. Their batteries can last up to 10,000 plays and replacement batteries are easy to find. They also come with a wide selection of song titles.

Clear Tone

The clear tone musical movements are 18-note key-wind musical movements. They housing over the top of the music box is clear so that one can look inside and clearly see all the working parts.

Creating a music box is a fun and relaxing activity. Whether it is a ballerina music box, musical jewelry box, carousel music box, or other type of music box, careful consideration to the type of musical movement used is essential to creating that perfect music box.

Copyright 2006 Monique Hawkins

Established in May of 2005, is a music box gift store specializing in products such as inlaid ballerina music boxes for ballerina rooms dcor, whimsical carousel music boxes, and musical jewelry boxes. The company provides interesting information for music lovers of all ages. Owner Monique Hawkins is also the author of the blog "What You Never Knew About Music" , and owner of the eBay store Franquicias Y Negocios Music Free Massive Cock Movie at: Monique can be contacted at (540) 858-2885.

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