I asked him to Restaurant Nutrition Guide with Rock Toy His rhythm carried Game Maker Software through the song. He knows Note Online Schreiben to dance, he dances as one is taught in dancing school. I suspect that my training exceeded his, since I had learned Macys Furniture to dance competitively. So I know how we could do it better, yet I don't care. Isn't the woman supposed to adjust to the man who is leading her? So I decide to succumb to his rhythm and his way of dancing. Whether or not we could do it better is a question which I neglect at this moment.
It only counts to dance with him, to feel his rhythm. He leads me through the song, and I feel that great happiness which one only feels if life is in balance. I adapt my movements to his movements, I adjust my rhythm to his rhythm, and I let the music carry us through the night. Dancers around us vanish in a fog, and I don't have to think about the dancing steps. Dancing is something which I Weight Watcher Online Promotion do unconsciously, since I have been dancing for almost a lifetime now. Thus dancing is very natural for me.
The music has finished, a new one has begun, but he doesn't let me go. Without asking he continues to move, and I continue to follow his cues. My feeling is that this dance could go Aftermarket Jet Part Ski forever. To be in the same rhythm is a liberating experience which has a balancing effect on me as meditation or karate usually Semi Gloss Life seems to be in balance, and a calm inner happiness is setting in. Other pairs are dancing very near to us, however we Solution Stockage Souple touch anybody. It seems to be meant as it is.
How much I had missed dancing with somebody is something that hadn't been obvious to me until this night. However, I admit it's not just about dancing with somebody, it's dancing with somebody whom I like and who likes me too. Dancing can be very unpleasant, if the connection between woman and man isn't there. Don't fool yourself about dancing might be something you can do with everybody. You can move your feet with the right steps, but you can't dance with somebody who doesn't have a rhythm you can adjust to, or who just doesn't have a rhythm at all.
Tonight is my night, I enjoy dancing with him. The music is great, and adapting my rhythm to his rhythm is an almost healing experience. It's Andover Chester Elementary School dance, and we'll continue until the music will finish. Dancing with him is so easy and seems so natural to me that my mind has become very calm. Especially the critical inner voice has turned quiet. He enjoys the dance as I do, and he leads me as if he had never done anything else. I know that everything is going to be alright whether or not the music will continue...
Andrea Brigitte Klee
Author and Speaker
Alternative Brest Cancer Treatment andreaklee@gmx.net
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