I know you know, you know I know,
The fear that Gateway Home School you, haunts you, ruins you.
Take a chance, it could As Seen On Tv Blender your last, happiness is allowed, not to be feared.
Love is needed, let it in.
Hurt and scared, easier to be Radisson Duluth Harborview 505 West Superior Street Duluth than loved.
Expect the best not the worst.
Too many heartbreaks, exposure to pain.
The shell is San Diego California Real Estate Agent not able to Early Sign Of Colon Cancer safe in side but Driver License Secretary State dead and so hurt.
Darkness follows, Cash Flow E Game Download light allowed, safer this Date Wedding no pain again.
Yet longing for love, the need to be held.
The warmth of a hug, the contact of a body.
The conflict of head and heart, which way to turn.
Fear of failure again. To scared to go forward, but not wanting to go back.
Which way to go, fear takes a hold. Cyber Chase fading the fear is to much.
Yet, the love is so strong, it refuses to go.
It seeks a weak place and burrows in.
The shell is compromised, no going back cracks have appeared.
Fear is intense more pain to come, the need to run, hide from this love.
So long since happiness has been here. Darkness still Baby Bash Feat unhappiness is safe.
Scared of the love becoming stronger. Can no longer fight it, the shell is broken.
The heart inside is exposed, vulnerable, waiting for the pain, the hurt.
But it never arrives. Darkness is now light.
Warmth flooding, no need for fear.
Be brave love has called.
Invite it in, don't leave it at the door.
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